
Civil Security from Space media kit

Customer’s request

CSS is a seed activity of ESA’s R3 (Rapid and Resilient Crisis Response accelerator). It deals with strong impact events (like hurricanes, oil spills, earthquakes, and floods). To transfer the message to the main audience, a clear brand identity design is requested, as well as a set of visual products, following ESA’s official CVI. To effectively communicate the core activities of the CSC department within ESA, a video has been requested, to shed light on the fueling of innovation, supporting industry, entrepreneurs, and startups, ultimately driving the development of space technologies and their translation into viable and value-adding applications and business models on Earth.

Our solution

The ReMedia project initiated in-depth research into ESA’s involvement in disaster management. Following consultations with ESA’s team, the objective has been set: to depict an optimal future scenario where a CSS system supports natural disaster management across the entire process. The video presentation illustrates three key phases: pre-disaster, during the disaster, and post-disaster. It demonstrates how advanced sensors, AI algorithms, and satellites can detect early signs of disasters, provide real-time information for timely alerts and evacuation plans, and aid emergency responders in navigating chaos. Additionally, it highlights how satellites with AI capabilities contribute to damage assessment and infrastructure vulnerability identification. Overall, the presentation emphasises the role of technology in enhancing disaster response and safeguarding human lives.

IRIDE Mission logo development

Customer’s request

The satellite constellation – what will become Europe’s most important low altitude Earth Observation satellite programme – will be built In Italy and completed within five years with the support of the ESA – European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency thanks to PNRR resources.

This mission will support the Civil protection and other administrations to combat hydrogeological instability and fires, protect the coastline, monitor critical infrastructure, air quality and weather conditions.

ReMedia was involved in the design of the new patch, which describes the mission objectives in detail and at the same time aesthetically impressive.

Our solution

Inspired by the name of the mission, IRIDE, we developed three different graphic concepts, designing proposals that had has their starting point the ieris of the human eye, acting as a container for all the elements of the mission, in a circular patch.

The core elements of the project are:

  • The instruments and purpose of the mission.
  • The constellation of the satellites already in orbit over Europe, will play a key role in achieving the objectives.
  • The main actors of the mission: ESA, ASI, Italian government; the promotion of the patch production in Italy.
  • The place where the mission will be implemented, the area from Marocco to Denmark.
  • The services provided will be used for the protection of the earth and to achieve the purpose of the mission by promoting, developing, and expanding knowledge of scientific and technological research.
  • The future and innovation.

The above was represented graphically in the proposals for the Iride mission; even the colours used were not chosen randomly, but always aimed at recalling the objectives and constituent elements of the project, enriching the patch with meaning, and making it extremely eye-catching.

The proposal designed by ReMedia’s graphics team were put to a public vote via the italian government website and the social platforms of those involved in the mission, leaving the choice of the patch to the users!

Winning proposal, n°2:

The representation of Europe and the Italian flag are a reminder of the participants and the location of the mission, ESA, ASI, the Italian government, and the promotion of the patch’s production in Italy.

The decision to use different shaped lines surrounding Europe, stems from the idea of depicting the 48 satellites already in orbit, and distinguishing their different roles by representing the three types of use for the mission:

Even the choice of colours is not random; each of them has a specific meaning to represent the services and purposes of the mission:

  • Optical
  • Radar
  • Spectral (to be seen)

Even the choice of colours is not random; each of them has a specific meaning to represent the services and purposes of the mission:

  • Yellow: Coastal and marine littoral monitoring
  • Light blue: Air quality
  • Dark green: Land cover
  • Orange: Soil movement
  • Light blue: Hydro-weather-climate
  • Red: Emergency
  • Light green: Security
  • Blue: Water resources

Latitudo40 Corporate Video

Customer’s request

Latitudo40, an Italian company based in Naples (where the name comes from, as the latitude of Naples, in Italy is 40.853294) developed an Urban Environmental Operating System to create cognitive, resilient, and sustainable cities through the integrated use of satellite remote sensing and innovative artificial intelligence algorithms. ReMedia was asked to create a corporate video describing the developed system and communicating the company’s work.

Our solution

The most important aspect of Latitude resides in its highly innovative technique and approach the company uses: artificial intelligence can detect structural, chemical and thermal differences by analyzing color variations. After gathering Latitudo40’s input and deeply understanding their mission as well as the organisational culture, we discovered that the company’s activity falls under the umbrella of sustainable development 

To enhance Latitudo40 beliefs and values, a series of environmental, social and corporate governance issues are highlighted, with keywords and visuals describing soil sealing, scarce vegetation, low biodiversity, fine dust, and coastal erosion among others. Then, the core business elements are described: using satellite remote sensing and AI at the service of urban environmental operating systems, with the scope to support a cognitive, resilient and sustainable cities planning. With the scope of giving a more tangible idea of the tools used, a series of maps are briefly showcased. A short video that describes in less than one minute the value of a growing and promising company, totally made in Italy.

ALTIUS Videogame

Customer’s request

ALTIUS (Atmospheric Limb Tracker for Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere) mission, foreseen to be launched in 2025, will monitor the distribution and evolution of stratospheric ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere. ALTIUS will provide support to services such as weather forecasting and monitor long-term trends in atmospheric ozone. To this purpose, the client (ESA) asked ReMedia to translate this information in an engaging web-based experience (a videogame).

The audience includes STEM students and young professionals interested in the specific sectors (engineers, physicians mathematics etc) and the scope of the project is to tap into the inherent human desire for achievement, competition, and enjoyment while learning while transferring scientific information related to satellite, data and Earth Observation. However, the game should also be suitable for engineers, scientists, and researchers who need to perform numerical computations and analyze data in the field of space engineering and science.

Our solution

The challenge for ReMedia was to transfer ALTIUS mission core activity into an interactive game. Gamification is the process of integrating game elements and principles into non-game contexts to enhance engagement, motivation, and participation. ReMedia introduced several elements to turn the learning process into a more enjoyable and compelling activity by incorporating elements commonly found in games:

  • Points and Rewards: users earn points or rewards for completing tasks or achieving goals.
  • Levels and Progression: users advance through levels as they accomplish more, creating a sense of progression.
  • Competition: introducing competitive elements to encourage users to compete, fostering a sense of rivalry and motivation. In this sense, the user can see other users’ score and their nationalities.

The game focuses on learning the stellar occultation and satellite transmission according on the different altitude (from 380.0 nanometers wavelength up to 600.o nm). User can select the wavelength he or she wants to play with, and he/she consolidate the knowledge regarding the stellar occultation measurement. He or she can also select the star to play with by choosing among Sirius, Canopus, Arcturus, Rigel Kent or Vega.

Stellar occultation measurement works like this: a star’s light is measured above the atmosphere to create a reference spectrum. Then, the light is measured as it passes through the atmosphere to calculate horizontal transmission spectra. These spectra help begin the process of geophysical retrieval.

ALTIUS videogame input has been given from ESA in MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory), a high-performance programming language and environment specifically designed for numerical computing, data analysis, and visualization. Despite the MATLAB environment also supports the creation of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for interactive applications, the game has been programmed by ReMedia team in Javascript, and UX UI designers has delivered a graphically easy to use platform to ensure the final user’s involvement, interest and high performance during the game, ensuring a strong and rewarding learning process.

CEOS EO 2023 Handbook

Customer’s request

CEOS was established in September, 1984 in response to a recommendation from a Panel of Experts on Remote Sensing from Space and set up under the aegis of the G7 Economic Summit of Industrial Nations Working Group on Growth, Technology, and Employment. The original function of CEOS was to coordinate and harmonise Earth Observations to make it easier for the user community to access and use data. Over the past three decades, CEOS has significantly contributed to the advancement of space-based Earth Observation community efforts. CEOS Agencies communicate, collaborate, and exchange information on Earth Observation activities, spurring useful partnerships such as the Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS).

This particular edition of the Earth Observation Handbook is timed to coincide with the major event of the first global stocktake of the Paris Agreement. The global stocktake (GST) enables countries and other stakeholders to see where they are collectively progressing toward meeting the Paris Agreement’s goals. The Global Stocktake is a data-driven process, seeking to use facts on key planetary indicators and our collective efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to inform an improved and increasingly ambitious approach to our attempts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

For the 2023 edition of the EO Handbook, the client requested an immersive and eye-catching experience to engage end users in learning and discovering more about specific topics crucial for many aspects of human beings’ future.

Our solution

Remedia has envisioned not creating a simple interactive brochure, as in previous editions, but has instead crafted a dynamic scrolly-telling web app with one clear objective: creating an experience that calls users to action. The result is a fully immersive web app demonstrating how vital satellite observations are to our ability to measure, manage, and adapt to climate change and support the success of the Global Stocktake (GST) process of the Paris Agreement.

To facilitate the end user orientation among this amount of information, three main areas of the web app are identified: Intro, space data and case studies.

The intro is a clear explanation of the context, as well as the common goal. 

Space data provides a brief and straightforward summary of the Paris Agreement and its key processes. It also provides context for the rest of our explanation of why EO satellite data is crucial for implementing the Paris Agreement and, ahead of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP 28) of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as to how satellite-based EO will play a vital role in the GST process. The Case Studies section provides a series of real examples, already implemented in different countries. For example, the SilvaCarbon program – a multi-federal agency program supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Department of State, implemented by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and the US Forest Service (USFS) – is committed to assist countries using Earth observation (EO) data to monitor deforestation and forest degradation and its associated carbon emissions. 

GSTP 30 years anniversary:brand identity

Customer’s request

Inaugurated on 13 May 1993, the GSTP (General Support Technology Programme) was originally an integral part of ESA’s long-term plan to make sure the Agency kept ahead of technologies it might need. GSTP goal is to work with Industry, Academia, and Participating States to predict what those technologies might be, or to see if current innovative technologies used on Earth can be adapted for use in Space.

Together with the Polish Space Agency, users were invited to join a two-day event full of presentations, lectures and discussions about GSTP’s past and future. The event took place at the Sheraton Sopot Hotel in Gdansk, Poland. The event’s key visual was requested, as well as venue decorations and graphic support for the event (rollup, ice breaker video), merchandising products and a digital programme.

Our solution

ReMedia worked on designing a solution to make the GSTP brand stand out, focusing on eye-catching visuals and engaging declinations, as well as designing the venue decoration – to immerge participants into the world of GSTP – and facilitating user interaction by offering unique giveaways.

The key visual for the General Support Technology Programme’s (GSTP) 30th anniversary has been crafted in accordance with ESA guidelines, concerning the selection of fonts, colors, and style. Drawing on two decades of collaboration with ESA, and thanks to a profound understanding of ESA activities, the respective color scheme suggested for the ESA GSTP’s anniversary aligns with ESA pillars: red for “Science & Exploration,” green for “Applications,” blue for “Space Safety and Security,” and yellow for “Enabling and Support.”

Given that GSTP falls under the Technology, Engineering, and Quality (TEC) Directorate, a strategic choice was made to incorporate “enlight yellow” into the logo, symbolising ESA’s “Enabling and Support” pillar. The design, featuring ESA colors and a radiant golden line encircling the Earth, is not merely aesthetic but carries a symbolic narrative. It emphasizes the pivotal role of GSTP in advancing proven innovations through various engineering stages, delivering fully-tested hardware ready for integration into future missions (graphically represented with a satellite),

The imagery evokes the program’s commitment to continuous research, exploration, testing, and iterations since May 13, 1993. The sparkling “golden” line serves as a visual metaphor, accentuating GSTP’s significance in boosting innovative solutions to maturity and making them available for adoption in upcoming space endeavors.

Regarding the Sheraton Sopot Hotel’s decoration, ReMedia designed rollups, flags, an ice-breaker video and kept as a main goal to professionally bring coherence and impression to the event. First, the conference room has been considered: Gdansk’s Sheraton Sopot Hotel has a lot of brown elements (walls with wood panels and creamy curtains) and the rooms’ furniture consists of dark tables and deep blue chairs. The graphic support has been designed accordingly, and in full coherence with the key visual. For the participants, a digital 20 pages programme, including the agenda, the word from the director, useful information and around 70 speakers’ photos and bio.

As an icebreaker, a captivating and emotional video was produced to impress the event’s participants and immerse them in the mood. This video was made available in two slightly different versions – with and without the final GSTP 30th event logo/info – so that it was used for promotional purposes outside the specific anniversary event.

Referring to the gadgets, and in accordance with the event brand identity, a bloc notes with a pen and opening folder has been offered to each participant as well as a metal, rounded suit lapel pin and a credit card holder made of recycled material.
The final result is a constellation of elements strategically designed to build lasting connections between organisers, speakers, participants, and suppliers.

InnEO Space PhD e-learning platform

Customer’s request

As WP leader, ReMedia was asked develop and deliver the the following tasks:

  • Docimological research work on best practices in structuring a SPOC course;
  • User’s orientation: support and assist end users on SPOC’s specific content
  • SPOCs design: develop SPOCs content from the early stage information gathering to the updating and reporting of the course content.
  • User’s guidelines: provide PDF guidelines for three different audiences (students, beta testers, teachers), to be shared at the course’s introduction.
  • Extra academic content development: two scorms (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) tests for soft skills (such as a career toolkit provided by another consortium contractor)
  • Feedback gathering development and test implementation

Our solution

Three Small Online Private Courses (SPOCs) were established, focusing on entrepreneurship, Machine Learning, and Soft Skills in communication and teamwork. The content comes from university partners at an early stage of the project.  These SPOCs’ outcome was developed and integrated into the Summer Schools’ second editions, conducted online through our Space Academy platform. Each SPOC includes an introductory trailer outlining its content, the associated skills of European ESCO classification, and a concise version of the instructor’s CVs.

Delivery methods encompassed both fully online content (Summer School) and mixed-mode sessions (Startech), targeting an audience similar to that of Startech and Summer School. These SPOCs comprise diverse modules, including different formats: videos (maximum duration of 15 minutes), PDF graphic materials , and intermediate assessments to facilitate optimal learning experiences. Moreover, the SPOCs modular structure allowed the creation of additional SPOCs within the platform, already used by partner universities involved in the project.

The following features have been added to the platform:

  • User guidelines available to three different audiences (participants, beta testers, instructors).
  • A daily News section, including various RSS feeds related to the aerospace sector.
  • Automatic scoring for almost all tests, and an automatic certification system for all SPOCs.
  • Access job advertisement platforms to create resumes, test Soft Skills relevant to the job market, assess Digital skills, and seek sector-specific advice.
  • 28 recorded hours of recorded Summer School course.

Interactive elements within the platform encompass internal messaging (inbox), cross-sectional and course-specific forums, and user profiles, allowing individuals to share brief information related to their field and links to professional accounts. The platform’s Dashboard provides staff and instructors with a comprehensive overview of the entire course and individual participants, facilitating the identification of immediate bottlenecks and offering the option to download results.

Both the platform and courses were tested by 40 beta testers with course demos. During the ‘Crash courses to prepare a hackathon’ event, nearly 150 users utilized various tools and contents created by ReMedia within a few hours. Feedback from beta testers, initial users, participants, and instructors were positive, emphasizing the user-friendly interface, clarity and relevance of the content.

Throughout the project, ReMedia showcased it at various industry conferences, including:

  • The 11th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens,” where we presented the paper ‘InnEO’Space PhD: Preparing Young Researchers for a successful career on Earth Observation applications’.
  • The IGARSS IEEE-International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium in 2023 in Pasadena, USA, where we presented the poster ‘Education and Research Projects for Preparing Young Researchers for a Future Career in Earth Observation’.

As of now, the platform for this project boasts over 500 users, featuring three original SPOCs and an additional five SPOCs created using modules from the initial courses.

ESA Commercialisation website

Customer’s request

Part of the ESA Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement Directorate, the ESA Commercialisation Gateway is the first and main entry point for anyone who wants to develop a business idea together with ESA. It provides several services for startups, space and non-space companies, aspiring entrepreneurs, institutions and investors.

Considering the growing value of this sector, the client needed to rethink its website from the ground up, with the goal of providing a true information portal to its users. 

A website with a modern, restyled interface that could be a beacon and light the way to business, providing links, tips, information, and key points of contact.

Our solution

ReMedia accepted this challenge with enthusiasm. The professionalism and commitment of the entire team made it possible to build a web portal full of information chiselled into a broad structure, modelling the project to best accommodate the large amount of information provided by the client and presenting it with clear and immediate navigation, so as to maximise its use.

All phases of the website’s design and development contributed to the unique and primary objective of making it a true reference point for anyone wishing to develop their business idea with ESA.

The first step in this exciting adventure was to dialogue with the client and guide him in shaping his ideas, striving to structure the inputs received in the form of a website map, capable of satisfying the client and at the same time being effective for users.

We then went on to analyse the client’s previous website in detail. Our team worked on breaking down and studying every single element of code and design, reshaping it or creating it from scratch for the purpose.

Afterwards, our team worked with passion and dedication to combine the retrieved information, modelling with creativity and utmost competence a design that was at the same time extremely attractive, modern, technological, minimalist and user-friendly.

The website wants to speak to its users, accompanying them according to their characteristics. The homepage welcomes users and invites them to start a journey together with ESA, shaping the recommended pages and proposed routes according to the characteristics and needs of each of them.

The ease of navigation is made even more effective by the constant presence of cross-references to other sections and articles on the website, which can guide users in their search for information and intrigue them with new content.

Another very important element of the website, to which our team paid particular attention, is the access to contacts, the help-desk and the ESA Commercialisation Gateway newsletter. The FAQ page and the contact form are made accessible at all times via an icon that accompanies users throughout their navigation. The newsletter subscription form closes the navigation of the pages, while news is present in many sections, acting as a link between themes and providing users with an extremely up-to-date overview of the latest news and trends.

The design of the entire website plays with the colours of the ESA Commercialisation Gateway, placing them in a spatial context and giving a ‘cosmic’ flavour to the interface, without sacrificing a touch of elegance. The different nuances of the customer’s offer blend with the shades of the colours themselves, accompanying and guiding the user through the different sections of the portal.

The main pages of the website sport bright, moving colours that attract and surprise users. In the inner sections and second level pages, colours become less pressing and aid navigation, delineating the navigable areas well.

Finally, the website was developed from a mobile-first perspective, making the entire portal perfectly browsable via any device with an internet connection.

It was a demanding and exciting challenge, which ReMedia was able to take up and face with professionalism and commitment, achieving an amazing result. This website is a living object, which will be constantly updated and improved in order to make it easier and easier to use and to make it an increasingly effective and useful medium for anyone browsing it.

Promenade H2020 brand awareness

Customer’s request

Horizon2020 was the EU’s main research and innovation programme from 2014 to 2020. Its objective was to promote collaboration and funds in different areas (health, energy, ICT) to address societal challenges. Open to universities, research institutes, companies, NGOs and public authorities, Horizon2020 funding was based on competitive assessments, emphasizing excellence, innovation and impact. The programme objective was focused on promoting innovation, economic growth and global competitiveness through collaborative research. The European Commission has published a call for “Secure societies Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens” on the Funding & Tenders portal. ReMedia applied with the consortium led by MMAIP and managed by KEMEA as a partner to manage the communication and dissemination work package of the project. Once the consortium was formed and won the call for tender, we were assigned responsibility for the outreach and dissemination work package.

Our solution

Once needs and goals were identified, the orientation phase started (involving competitive landscape, target audience, market research, design research). This first orientating research phase aimed to prepare a solid strategy to provide information architecture, pagination maps and wireframe of the overall communication strategies and activities to be implemented throughout the project. Exploration phase took place, with preliminary ideas and design of  key visuals to support the project awareness and user engagement.

Inspired by the project name, ‘ImPROved Maritime awarENess by means of AI and BD mEthods’, ReMEdia created a visual identity to communicate the innovative advances in maritime awareness.

Besides the graphic support, the website was developed and maintained, serving as a showcase for project updates, resources and achievements. ReMedia ensured all relevant content to be posted on the project’s social media channels, sharing insights into the project’s progress and results, as well as the consortium’s actions throughout the period and publishing news. 6 

Within the 18 months, and in line with our commitment to comprehensive dissemination, we produced six newsletters that summarised  project developments in accessible and engaging formats. These newsletters acted as a bridge between the intricate progress of the project and the community at large, simplifying the technical language and conveying the significance of the achievements.

In addition, ReMedia assisted in organising and creating content for events, webinars and workshops, producing impactful and informative content to ensure resonance with stakeholders and facilitate meaningful interactions and knowledge sharing.

Through a harmonized approach encompassing strategic communication planning, visually compelling branding, a strong web presence, regular social media updates, informative newsletters and event coordination, ReMedia led the outreach and dissemination efforts of the PROMENADE H2020 project.

With the objective to engage the audience and activate an active involvement of the target group, ReMedia realised teasers, in preparation of relevant activities (meetings, webinars, trial executions). The content of trials videos has been provided by the end users, and ReMedia edited the content to underline Promenade mission and achievement, with the goal to showcase the developed Promenade services toolkit(a software to ensure border security) and a simulation of the outcomes of using that specific software. During the final review in Athens, relevant key personnels were interviewed by the ReMedia team, and the outcome was included in the final project video. The scope was to highlight the project’s objectives, the overall outcomes and practical examples on how technology supported and improved the border security activities.

Promenade also joined the BES cluster initiative, a partnership between projects, and ReMedia, responsible for outreach and communication of the project. The BES Cluster consists of projects collaborating in order to support each other, identify solutions to upcoming challenges, secure effective dissemination and valuable exploitation potentials and at the same time generate knowledge that along with the developed solutions will change the current state in the areas and fields that the projects are working upon.