

To maintain an active and meaningful contact with all its potential audiences, we have developed an immersive, multimedia, interactive and responsive communication tool for ESA.

Virtual tours, videos, games, several kinds of interaction, insights and contents designed specifically for this platform: these are the ingredients of Discover ESA. Behind the scenes, a software at the cutting edge of technology that makes the journey within the wonderful world of ESA fluent and immersive and that allows it to be viewed from any type of device.

Get in touch

How about a video call, email or a nice cup of espresso in the office?


Let’s make a project together.

Services that we offer

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The customer’s request

ESA welcomes thousands of visitors to its offices every year with events, Open days and various outreach and dissemination initiatives aimed at creating awareness for its activities towards the widest possible audience. Between 2020 and 2021, due to the pandemic, each event was obviously canceled, but the need to be known has remained even stronger than before. For this ESA has asked Remedia and ATG-Europe to create an interactive, engaging and innovative communication tool, usable from web and mobile to show all the activities of ESA and its offices, giving the appearance of a unique organization, in which each part is connected to the other and which it needs to carry out each task.

Our answer

For us at Remedia, the key to success of a project is listening to the client’s wishes and interacting with him step by step, throughout the cycle of the process, from conception to the final proposal.

A challenge began in November 2020, which from the very beginning has given our team of experts the opportunity to bring out their professionalism and competence and put in place an attractive technological solution, in line with the customer’s request.
In the development phase we have deepened and outlined, thanks to various meetings with the customer and internal brainstorming, the layout, graphics, contents and possible navigation methods of the platform.
Realistic colours and illustrations were privileged but at the same time recalling a sci-fi setting to enhance the style and identity of the project.

So was born Discover ESA, a digital and interactive application capable of explaining and accompanying the user in a simple and intuitive way to discover the world of ESA.
A virtual and engaging tour which only a video game can do, full of informative material and docu – videos, a journey to discover this amazing world!

To our great satisfaction, the project exceeded the customer’s expectations and Josef Aschbacher, General Manager of ESA, wanted to create an introductory and welcome video on the Discover ESA homepage in which he publicly witnesses his great satisfaction with our innovative platform!

Client ESA Sector Science Project Name Discover ESA
Project type Outreach & dissemination Realization 2021

I am really impressed with this project.