Customer’s request
Our client is an international landscape consulting company focusing on landscape strategies and sustainability to implement forward-looking projects. LAND requests a video to present the UrbAlytics project, an experimental sub-project of the h2020-funded project AI4Copernicus, whose goal is to promote remote sensing tools for urban heat island assessment and climate change adaptation through nature-based solutions.
The other joint venture company is Latitudo40, based in Naples, which developed a Data Analytics Platform based on satellite remote sensing and a series of artificial intelligence algorithms (Sentinel-2 super-resolution, risk map and automatic damage map, high-res land consumption/classification).
The client requests a video explaining the UrbAlytics project, the current city’s situation with available AI tools, and a definition of future scenarios.
Our solution
Being already involved in the Horizon2020 programme as prime contractor for Promenade outreach and dissemination activities, ReMedia is strongly aware of the importance of delivering a clear message to the involved audiences, with the final goal to illustrate the UrbAlytics objectives and support city planners and decision-makers. Particularly in line with ReMedia’s vision, the result is expected to be catchy and aesthetically attractive.
The main goal is to clarify the aim of UrbaAlytics: an experimental sub-project of AI4Copernicus that aims to bring artificial intelligence with Earth Observation.
The first part of the video describes problems and challenges caused by climate change to cities, then current projects are explained and represented, for example, explaining how the use of Sentinel 2 satellite images allowed the creation of continuously updated data, with a resolution of 10 meters. Such data were extracted using AI-applied Earth Observation, a fully automated service globally.
The second part of the video focuses on the respective research project on the effect of UHIs to evaluate the impacts on the urban environment, specifically concerning the cities of Naples and Milan. On this concern, a series of maps and examples concerning the cities of Milan and Naples are visualised to describe the project in detail and show the potential of data gathering. The last part illustrates possible future scenarios including Ai in the EO data gathering related to being incorporated into building design activities, landscaping, architecture, and all other architectural features of an urban center.
The video has also been designed to provide support for the programme presentations.
LAND Research Lab
Science, Space, Remote Sensing
Project Name
Project type
Outreach & dissemination, marketing and digital communication