
About ReMedia


At ReMedia, we specialise in innovative custom communication solutions for the space sector. 

Thanks to our multidisciplinary team and systemic approach we offer dynamic and open-minded solutions to unlock the potential of our client’s message fully.

At ReMedia we realise any type of communication support, such as graphic, video, web based tools, digital, moreover we design and develop e-learning content and platforms to facilitate our client’s interaction and engagement with their public.

ReMedia shapes the message, delivers it and makes it resonate.


We are people with cross- disciplinary competence and experience in many different professional fields: psychologists, economists, designers, researchers, who share the same values ​​and work for the same goal: to help you communicate incisively and fully reach the potential of your organisations.
Marco Recchioni President and Scientific Director
Paola Bonazzoli CEO
Chiara Celli Business Manager
Giorgia Marino Creative Director and Eogb Coordinator
Marco Manca Art Director and Production Director
Remo Leonzi Head Of Web Department
Ilaria Nuvola Head of video department
Giancarlo Melaro Project Manager
Guido Racinelli Partner
Marzia Bracconeri Administration, Finance and Control Director
Francesco Recchioni Video Specialist & Motion Graphic Designer
Alessandro la Bella Junior Art Director
Emanuela Salimei Senior Art Director
Georgy Shelikhov UI/UX designer
Giovanni D’Ottavio Junior Account & Marketing Analyst
Luca Catalucci Full stack developer
Ornella Catalano Senior Art Director
Oralda Dodaj Administrative secretary
Sasha Del Vecchio Psychologist and Instructional Designer
Valentina Ciaccio Psychologist and Story boarder


In the design field empathy is everything. Deep understanding of clients needs and goals is our main challenge in every project we work on.

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
Conservatorio di Milano
European Space Agency
Frascati scienza
La Sapienza
Ministero della Salute
Norsk Romsenter
OHB Italia
Bet e Slot
Regione Lazio
Lazio Crea
ATG Europe


Luiss Business School

Get in touch

How about a video call, email or a nice cup of espresso in the office?


Let’s make a project together.

Services that we offer

you can pick more than one



Marco Recchioni

President and Scientific Director


Dreaming is nothing without action and what is most important is to transform your dreams into tangible actions and to share them with others.
This has been the leitmotif since the time of teaching and University research up to the foundation of my company in Italy and abroad.
I couldn’t have found better people to share my dream with, than the people who make up my team at ReMedia. You reap what you sow.


I love my country and I’m proud of showing people abroad how Italians do it better!

You may say, I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
Imagine (John Lennon)

White papers by Marco Recchioni

Paola Bonazzoli



My career is the tapestry of many different experiences from running a family business to working for a multinational. Having an athletic nature and being strong-willed has helped me reach my goals in life.
Today, I make part of a fabulous team at ReMedia in which we consider ourselves winners because we face our challenges and support each other in reaching our common goals.


I love my family, my dog and rugby. I wouldn’t miss the six nations championship for the world!

and I need to go on and on and on and on
We are the Champions (Queen)


Chiara Celli

Business Manager


Music heightens positive attitudes and helps face everyday problems ; that’s what makes me optimistic and keeps me going always beyond! I love listening to music, it’s a universal language and I also love listening to people and learning from them which is an important part of my job at ReMedia.


I am dynamic and like to do more than one thing at a time. That’s my attitude towards life

Music is my religion
(Jimi Hendrix)


Giorgia Marino

Creative Director and Eogb Coordinator


Many people, as children don’t have a clue of what they want to do. That wasn’t me. As a child, I flicked through the pages of glossy magazines, kept scrapbooks and drew. Later on I combined my studies at university with my interest in graphic design.
My creativity is enhanced by my passion for photography and by working in a great team at ReMedia.


I love my Polaroid. When I retire I hope to continue to be as creative as I am now and to open a handcraft shop.

They give us those nice bright colours, they give us the greens of summers
Kodochrome (Paul Simon)


Marco Manca

Art Director and Production Director


I believe art, drawing, games and the digital world as a whole are interconnected and an essential part of life and business. As an art director, at ReMedia, I have combined my love for art with my love for the evolution of communication. Being able to share this passion with others is a source of great satisfaction.


I am a loving and loved husband and father. I love pixel and isometric art and every kind of miniatures. I have a cat called Zelda named after The Legend of Zelda. This is in fact, together with star wars, a pillar of my personal imagination.

Now it’s time to leave the capsule if you dare
Space Oddity (David Bowie)

White papers by Marco Manca


Remo Leonzi

Head Of Web Department


I am passionate about everything that is technological and innovative especially about new media and digital communication.
I am not afraid of new challenges and, as part of the ReMedia team, my daily challenge is to get involved and collaborate with my team for the success of the projects.


Passionate about music, brutal consumer of records and musician... "Where words don't reach ... music speaks" Beethoven said, so I can say that music is my second language.

And the first one now will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’

(Bob Dylan)


Ilaria Nuvola

Head of video department


I have been creative (and a bit nerd) since I was a child, I like nature, art, cinema and video games.
For a little while i tried to stay inside the box with scientific studies but then graphic design got the better of me.
As a dreamer and a perfectionist, I notice and give value to every single detail, because these are what makes things beautiful.


My shyness is all just a cover. I am a slightly crazy blonde who loves the sun and eats for two.

Cause if you wanna light a fire then you gonna get lit
Live a little (Chaz Cardigan)


Giancarlo Melaro

Project Manager


Science fiction and fantasy writer Ursula K. Le Guin received credit for this quote: The creative adult is the child who survived. One of the most extremely human faculties is the power of imagination. The creative adult not only “survives” by maintaining his creativity, but actively uses it to transform his ideas into reality.
This invitation to become the agents of the change we desire, is the basis of my mindset and my personal and professional path. It’s what helps me bring out the best in myself and others, to face new challenges together. Like the one with the great ReMedia team.


I love sound, art, space, nature, animals, water, movement, playing, discovering, imagining, doing.

Feed your head
White Rabbit (Jefferson Airplane)


Guido Racinelli



I am a media design enthusiast.
After many years of working on future trends in educational and digital communication strategies I realized that…. sunlight comes into your house not because you want it. It happens because you open the windows.
This is what I like in ReMedia: to be non-serious but absolutely involved. 


Peace and joy are the basis of my life. Then I love people, internet, music, dogs, basket-ball and my guitar.


Marzia Bracconeri

Administration, Finance and Control Director


I was born in Rome and after my graduation I decided to take up the profession of chartered accountant. 
I love my job and I like helping the Companies and entrepreneurs to better carry out their business.
I mainly carry out business and tax consultancy, i have an office in Rome where i collaborate with other professionals of the same studio.


I love my family and cooking but the thing that i like so much is Rugby which i practice since i’ve met my husband, mostly since when i’ve been starting practice it, 6 years ago. “in rugby you play with an opponent not against an opponent”

Francesco Recchioni

Video Specialist & Motion Graphic Designer


Art in all its forms is important because it allows people to communicate with each other via images, sounds and words.
I feel lucky to have been born in a majestic and artistic city like Rome. My passion for art together with my managerial and organizational skills led me to my present position in ReMedia as video producer.


There are no limits to art and creativity so I feel free to do what I like. Who could ask for more?

Walking free, in harmony, one fine day, we’ll fly away…
Rome wasn’t built in a day (Morcheeba)


Alessandro la Bella

Junior Art Director


Born into a family of typographers, I grew up with the smell of ink. As a child I always wanted to know the why and how of things. I didn’t follow my family’s foot-PRINTS.

Attracted to art and design ,which led me to my present job at ReMedia, my inquisitiveness continues.


I love travelling around the world (Only one more continent left to explore). I’m a fanatic motorcyclist surfer and mountain biker.

people always ask me why I don’t find a place to settle down, down, down
Born to be alive (Patrick Hernandez)


Emanuela Salimei

Senior Art Director


I have been a graphic designer for 20 years. But actually since always. My mother says that at one year old I was already doing graffiti on all the walls at home. As I grew up, the walls became sheets, notebooks, diaries, books, screens and doodling evolved into more and more organised forms. My work could only be this and my passion for drawing and visual communication is still alive. I have realised projects of all kinds, from websites to editorial publications, from logos to exhibition graphics. My satisfaction lies in effectively communicating messages and emotions using colours, shapes and fonts in a functional, harmonious and balanced way. I like experimenting with new solutions and following trends, but without losing my identity and style.


Always curious, positive and sociable, I love to share my ideas and experiences with others and working in a team inspires me a lot.

There’s more to the picture
Than meets the eye

Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)
(Neil Young)


Georgy Shelikhov

UI/UX designer


Originally from Moscow, I studied Graphic Design in Rome, focusing on what I love most: Web, User Interface, and User Experience Design.


Mio motto: Make work that matters.

Birds flying high, you know how I feel
Nina Simon

Giovanni D’Ottavio

Junior Account & Marketing Analyst


Born and raised in Rome, from a young age I have always played sport, which has presented me many challenges that have tested me and shaped me into the person I am now.

I have always enjoyed meeting people and engaging with them, which has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally.

I look forward to the new challenges that will arise with the ReMedia team!


I have been playing rugby since 2004 and it is now more than a passion, a sport where respect and mutual help reign supreme. I enjoy cooking, (eating) and travelling to discover new places and cultures, always guided by great music that follows me in every situation.

I need to be myself, I can’t be no one else
Supersonic (Oasis)


Luca Catalucci

Full stack developer


Born in the land of lamb skewers (arrosticini), Abruzzo. I grew up in the Golden Age of computing and when I set my eyes on the first Commodore 64, I dreamt all night of all the crazy things I could do with it.
Computers are my daily bread. Today I’m an IT manager at ReMedia and am responsible for unraveling the multitude of programming languages in the world.


I’m nuts about video games, films, TV series and music. Who says I’m a Nerd?

One dream, one soul, one prize, one goal
A kind of magic (Queen)


Ornella Catalano

Senior Art Director


Born in La Cumbre, I am as passionate as my Latin origins, I studied Graphic design and art in Córdoba (Argentina) and after having worked for a few companies, I decided to sail away to the Old continent and to continue my formation in the field of graphic design.  Infographics are my passion because they tell a story in a creative way and telling stories is what I enjoy most in my job at ReMedia.


I love working on my garden drinking my Mate. My ideal day is playing/watching field hockey.

There is fiction in the space between you and reality
Telling stories (Tracy Chapman)


Oralda Dodaj

Administrative secretary


My task is to manage the programming of the various activities, in support of the CEO and organize the internal work of the administration.

I love the world of technology and innovation.

I am a shy but also stubborn person, and this combination makes sure that everything in front of me face with my head held high.


Challenges are my passion.


Sasha Del Vecchio

Psychologist and Instructional Designer


Serenity and creativity are an important binomial.  
Creativity is the mind having fun and people at Remedia have fun because being creative is one of their goals.
I studied psychology and behavioural psychotherapy, as a psychologist, one of my goals is to help people set theirs It is important that people be aware of the role in an organization: no matter whether they be  employers or employees


If I could, I would spend my free time on a mountain- top with a guitar and my two dogs.

Help me make the most, Of freedom and of pleasure
Everybody wants to rule the world (Tears for fears)


Valentina Ciaccio

Psychologist and Story boarder


Sardinian by birth and L’Aquila by adoption, city where I studied and where I discovered the value of active citizenship. I believe in the importance of improving yourself through a continuous training and confrontation and improve what surrounds us with a critical spirit and open-mindedness.


I like new technologies and I collect “nerd” t-shirts. I relax by trekking and gardening. My idea of travelling is with 6 foot with Maya, my elderly puppy. my motto is “one anxiety at a time”
